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Foundation » WAAL Scholarships

VelanDale Scholarship Awards

WAAL is proud to honor the career and legacy of the late Vel and Dale Phillips for the last twenty-eight years. In 1990, WAAL established a scholarship in the name of the late W. Dale Phillips to provide scholarships to African-American law students at Wisconsin’s two law schools--Marquette and the University of Wisconsin. In 2004, WAAL proudly renamed the scholarship the VelanDale Scholarship Award to include and honor Vel Phillips' outstanding accomplishments. Vel Phillips passed away in 2018 and Dale in 1988, but their community work and legacy will forever live on. Each year, WAAL awards two law students - one from Marquette University Law School, and one from the University of Wisconsin Law School, with this honor.

Honorable Maxine Aldridge White Book Scholarship Award

In 2013, WAAL created the Honorable Maxine Aldridge White Book Scholarship Award. The scholarship, named after Chief Judge Maxine Aldridge White of the First Judicial District, honors Judge White's continuous service to WAAL's mission and her pursuit of personal and professional excellence. The scholarship will be awarded to one law student from Marquette University Law School or the University of Wisconsin Law School.

Honorable Charles N. Clevert, Jr. Scholarship Award

In commemoration of Judge Charles N. Clevert, Jr.'s retirement after nearly 40 years of distinguished service on the federal bench, WAAL established a scholarship in his name in 2017. The Honorable Charles N. Clevert, Jr. Scholarship Award honors the achievements and contributions of Judge Clevert as the first African-American federal judge in Wisconsin. The scholarship will be awarded to one law student from Marquette University Law School or the University of Wisconsin Law School.

Wisconsin Association of African-American Lawyers
Located at P.O. Box 519 Milwaukee, WI 53201.
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